Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day return - (a haibunnish thing)

On the early train, regular travellers prop their season tickets on their bags and snooze.

looking up
from her book -
poppy fields

I side step my way from station to conference room around head-down commuters, charity collectors, paper vendors and tourists studying maps, apologising to someone who emerges from the crowd to ask the way. 'I'm sorry, I'm a bit lost too!' A whirl of words and then it's all replayed, but in reverse.

the slope
of his shoulders -
mile after mile

Slowing down before the final stop, there is a hurried announcement from the guard. I'm sure he just said, 'Will passengers please ensure they take all of their personal longings with them.'

1 comment:

Ričardas said...

Enjoyed reading it. Thanks.