Wednesday, May 07, 2014


Am I a traditionalist or an innovator? No. I refuse to roost in either pigeon hole. Quite often I work within (self-imposed) constraints. Sometimes I like to see what happens when I turn things upside down, add pepper and give them a shake. When it seems right I'll write whatever comes into my head, just as it comes. Other days I edit, edit and edit again. I don't follow masters, especially not self-styled ones, but I know stars when I see them and I've got the sense to use them to navigate by. I do like a good metaphor. And plain, simple, direct language. And ambiguity. And the common or garden seen afresh. And the marvellously strange. And, and, and! Not either/or.

1 comment:

Area 17 said...

Sounds right to me and eminently sensible.

I like the fact you do not dismiss the metaphor, as subtly done, so it doesn't shout or scream at you, it can become amazing and light up the sky.

warm regards,
